I'd tear myself in two just to hear you breathe...

It's been a good Christmas. Lots of quiet. Lots of family. Lots of purring from my cat. Lots of listening to the A Charlie Brown Christmas Soundtrack. Lots of desire. Lots of excitement. Lots of gift wrap bows waiting to find a box so that they can be used again next year.

I suppose I'm feeling nostalgic, but I've felt like a schoolgirl this Christmas. I've stayed in my pajamas til late morning and eaten chocolate covered pretzels and drank hot chocolate and watched all of the Rankin-Bass Christmas specials that anyone person could handle. It feels good.

With the new year approaching, I've decided to pin down a few resolutions:

1. I have an addiction to books. Because of that addiction, there are many books lining my shelves and walls that have not been read. For 2006, I have decided that I WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER BOOK UNTIL I HAVE READ ALL OF THE BOOKS IN MY LIBRARY.

2. My great great grandfather left me his violin. For 2006, I have decided that I WILL START VIOLIN LESSONS.

3. I've been dreaming about visiting some far-away places. For 2006, I have decided to GET MY PASSPORT AND VISIT ANOTHER COUNTRY.

4. Lastly, for 2006, I am PRAYING FOR A DESPERATION FOR GOD UNLIKE ANY I'VE EXPERIENCED. I am praying for the kind of relationship that has not been seen or experienced even in fairy tales. I want to yearn and pant for Him. The kind of desperation that says, "I'd give anything of me, just to be near you...just to touch you...just to hear you breathe..." I want my body to crave him more than water or food. I want an obsession.

Well, there they are. Hold me to them.

By the by, I'm currently caught up in and loving Ryan Adams' latest album, 29.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 | 8:42 PM | LINK |

With Love, 1985.

With Love, 1985.
Originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you're having a splendiferous Christmas with your families. I hope you got all that your little hearts desired. I wish you Rub-a-Dub Doggie and My Little Pony homes all year round.

Sunday, December 25, 2005 | 1:08 PM | LINK |

Answer me this.

In the spirit of the "Why don't Mermen have long hair?" question. Here's a new one:

What are male ballet dancers called?

Are they called ballerinas too or is that just for the ladies? "Ballerino" just doesn't sound as graceful. They can't just be called "ballet dancer" because that's too boring or can they?

Monday, December 19, 2005 | 12:01 PM | LINK |

It Iced, So I Drew.

It Iced.
Originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.
The Ice Storm. It left my family without power for 48 hours. My family and I lit candles and listened to the radio for entertainment. My dad has a collection of old radio serials. It was great to imagine the story unfold. And I couldn't help but think about how different each of the pictures must look to me, my mom and my dad. Did my mom's vision in her head of Laura look like mine? Anyway, it got my creativity juices flowing and I took advantage of the daylight and read and drew. And then when the lights came back on...a shower was the most awesome thing I could imagine. Check out the Flickr page for my drawing (if you're interested).

And now, It's time to cuddle with my blanket (and dream of a White Christmas).

Saturday, December 17, 2005 | 9:46 PM | LINK |

I'll show you fancy.

U2 - Charlotte, NC
Originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.
Judith and I saw U2 in Charlotte last night. It was awesome (like it wouldn't be). I could go into a long panegyric and great detail of the execution of lights and how The Edge's tone made out with my ears offering them sweet promises of silver and gold. But you know that already. You know that U2 is one of the most awesome live shows that you can ever see.

What I can tell you are things that you might not know. For instance, according to the lady behind us, Judith and I are both "short" and my name is apparently "Miss Fancy Pants." I wonder what she would think if she knew that her jabs were actually facts . You see, Judith and I are short. I'm not self conscious. It actually works to our advantage. 90% of the time during a concert I will have been asked "Do you want to stand in front of me so that you can see better?" at least twice. And as for the name calling. Well, I did make some "Fancy Pants" for a one Mr. Gavin DeGraw. And of course the RF is fancy enough as it is. So, yes Ma'am I guess I am Miss Fancy Pants. And I want to thank you for making the break between Institute and U2 enjoyable.

Other highlights from the evening included:
1. Judith being patted on the head by an extremely inebriated gentleman
2. That same inebriated gentleman's girlfriend dumping her beer onto the floor and storming off during "Where the Streets Have No Name" (Perhaps she took the lyrics too seriously).
3. Angry Man tearing a poster from an excited fan's hands.

Like I said, it was awesome. You can see more photos here. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 | 2:24 PM | LINK |

Smurf Crack Goes to the Jockey Lot.

This morning, Kylie, Crystal, Heidi and myself braved the cold to visit Anderson's largest tourist attraction, The Jockey Lot. For those of you who do not know the wonders of TJL, it's a big, big, redneck flea market. And it's awesome. You can see part of our adventures here.

Saturday, December 10, 2005 | 8:51 PM | LINK |

Tis the season...for movies.

The new TV ad for King Kong has the ape's love story paired with Coldplays "Fix You." Interesting, eh?

One of my favorite books, Tristan and Iseult by Bedier has been made into a movie. You can see the trailer for Tristan and Isolde here. If you don't watch any other trailers, WATCH THIS ONE (we'll call it a soft spot because I love the book)! January 13, I'm so there.

And of course Narnia is opening this weekend. It's going to be disgustingly great, I just know it.

Lastly, M. Night Shamalamadingdong has a new movie and a new pet. The new movie, The Lady in the Water tells the story of a sea nymph who made the journey from a bedtime story to the pool of a hotel. Shamalahama's new pet? Well, Joaquin is out of the picture (at least for this one), but Bryce Dallas Howard makes a return from The Village to star in the title roll (she's the nymph). I have a weakness for Shylalymaham's movies and this one's being promoted as "A Bedtime Story from M. Night Shyamalan." I'm probably going to like it.
Just in case you were wondering, the last usage of Shyamalan's name is correct.

Find a friend and go to a movie.

Friday, December 09, 2005 | 7:38 PM | LINK |

I'll give it another shot...

Lanna and Lee
Originally uploaded by Joshua Blankenship.
Joshua has more pictures from our vist here.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 | 11:23 AM | LINK |


The mini-vacation is a perfect thing especially when shared with friends and there's a fake mustache involved. Last weekend Lee , Jon, Karl and myself made our way to Chattanooga to visit Le Shua and Ragan. It was gads of fun. You can see pictures of the mini-vacation/road trip/adventure here.

And no, I didn't rub anything on the pictures.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 | 10:51 PM | LINK |