Wednesday, October 27, 2004 | 7:02 PM | LINK |
I must say that the past two days have been absolutely incredible. I've felt like I've been in another world.
Sunday, October 24, 2004 | 9:21 PM | LINK |
I've been really excited today. I'm not so sure why. Nothing extremely out of the ordinary has happened. I got up, went to work, went home, went to home group, came home and now I'm about to go to bed. But for some reason I've been excited. It's like that feeling when you were little about the next day being Christmas. That's been today for me. I feel like tomorrow is Christmas, but I don't know why. I can remember that last Christmas just didn't feel like it used to and I remember wishing that I could get the excitement back. And now here it is, mid-October. I'm going to try my hardest to make this coming Christmas as magical as possible. I've got a wonderful family and amazing friends. There are going to be no excuses this year. I'm seeing a trip to a Christmas tree farm, horse drawn carriage, hot chocolate, a bonfire, and many more fun things this December. Heck, I'm going to start praying now for a white christmas.
Thursday, October 21, 2004 | 9:40 PM | LINK |
So my dad passed out last night. Everything's fine...he's very okay. He just has a really bad virus. He decided to go into work and blacked-out and hit his head. Suprisingly we were only at the hospital for about an hour. He's got that wretched rhodawhatever. So I'm at home today playing nurse and praying that I don't get sick. Both mom and dad are moaning as I type...eerie mood in the house today.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004 | 1:21 PM | LINK |
I wonder about those whose job it is to edit movie trailers. They can make bad movies look irresistible and good movies breathtaking. I would find it incredibly hard to surf through 2+ hours of material to make a 2 minute trailer. A job I would love to try, but just don't believe I'd have the eye for. I tend to be long-winded, which is more than likely detrimental in that line of work.
Monday, October 18, 2004 | 3:40 PM | LINK |
Yes, it's back. And today's RESPLENDENT FANCY AWARD OF THE DAYgoes to yours truly for WITNESSING THE MOST DISGUSTING THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. No jokes here folk, just what happens in the life of a teacher. We have a very interesting child in our afternoon class. He's a little bit on the crazy side. Every afternoon at the same time he hides under something or behind something to do his business (and by "business," I mean #2) in his diaper. Well today he chose to sit in plain view in the gym. We figured he was busy because he gets a nice glazed look over his eyes. Well, all of the sudden he sticks his hand up the side of his shorts and pulls out a nice brown finger. With absolutely no hesitation...he sticks that very same finger into his mouth, as all three teacher run in slow motion screaming "NOOO!"
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 | 4:01 PM | LINK |
Okay, who wants to take me to see Chicago at the Peace Center?
Monday, October 11, 2004 | 3:59 PM | LINK |
I slept to almost noon today. I haven't done that in years. I've begun to selfishly claim Saturdays as my own. It's the only day I have completely to myself. And if I want to sleep late I will, and if I want to get up early and go to the mountains I will, and if I want to spend the entire day thrifting...I will. Today, my dad and I went to Easley. No reason. We just went to Easley. I haven't seen my dad all week, he's already left for work when I get home. And if I were to say that I was a Daddy's girl, it would be an understatement. I respect my Dad more than anyone I know. I never question his judgment and he always helps to steer me in the right direction. He is wise, kind, humorous, and adventurous. I love chances to hang out with him. So he walks into my room and says, "Squirt, you wanna go driving?" And I said, "Yeah, you driving?" "Yep." And just like that we wound up in Easley. We arrived back home two hours later after heavy conversations about cameras, financial guidance, the upcoming presidential election, our church, and my dreams about the future. I'd do anything to bottle days like this. So I could remember every detail. I do my best to create memories that stir emotions like some smells stir memories. I think that's why I cling to my journal so dearly. I try to recap every detail I can. Some people wonder why I can remember things they said to me, when they can't even remember. Well, verbal affirmation is where I feel most loved. So if you ever tell me something that in someway encourages me, I write it down.
Saturday, October 09, 2004 | 7:14 PM | LINK |
I have inappropriate laughter. I discovered the trait this weekend. I was getting a massage and randomly broke out in a fit of laughter. I'm not ticklish, I just found it humorous. I'm very lucky that my masseuse is a friend, otherwise they might think me quite odd. And as I went to see Wimbledon, I found the final confession of love between the main characters hilarious...where upon Karla struck me with the back of her hand. I'm sure the other ladies in the theater would have done the same if they had been near me. Today as I sat in a meeting I was reminded of a great memory...a very funny memory...and you can guess what happened next. I apologized and then found myself in a battle to not let another snicker away.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004 | 4:55 PM | LINK |
Friday, October 01, 2004 | 3:35 PM | LINK |