
I received a coupon for a free dinner at Sullivan's because it's my birthday on Saturday. Who wants to go and celebrate my quarter of a century?

Monday, July 31, 2006 | 9:31 PM | LINK |


Originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.
Last night I had the pleasure to celebrate the engagement of Ragan and Jon. Whoo...brings a tear to my eye.

I love you guys! Congrats!

Sunday, July 30, 2006 | 11:22 AM | LINK |

Running with God.

So this week, I've been on vacation. It's midweek and already I feel like a new woman. My mind and body has been on overhaul for the past month. And three days into rest and it's so good.

Most of you know that I've begun training for a half marathon in December and hope to eventually run a full marathon. I have to tell you that it's been good. Really good. I look forward to running more and more every day. I've been running a lot more than with my legs the past month. My mind, my heart and my emotions have been running a gamut as well and all of this has affected my relationship with Christ. Allow me to explain...we've been preparing and executing our vacation bible school called Summer Blockbuster at NewSpring. Every late night, early morning, missed lunch and lack of sleep was worth it. We saw 70 children come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior last week. They came into our building and laughed, smiled, learned and did not want to go home at the end of the evening. Providing the environment for these children required that we would have to transform our church building into a race around the world and we did it, but doing so took time. With the change of schedule at practically a running pace throughout the day, my time with God was altered as well. But He being the gracious God that He is, ran right by my side...keeping my pace and urging me on to the finish. We ran and He did most of the speaking (whether it be by whispering to my heart or through His Word) and we finished. And now it's our rest. And He's been calling me to rest in Him. And it feels so good.

Hebrews 12:1-3 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

Steve Prefontaine said, "Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts."

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 | 5:27 PM | LINK |


Originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.
As promised here's another piece. It's called "Fire" and it's a 36X48 acrylic on canvas. It's the largest I've done in a while. I've got a few small pieces up on flickr as well. They're small 5X7s.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 | 1:00 PM | LINK |


Originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.
This is one of the paintings I've been working on. This is it's third repaint. I think it's finally complete.

More will be going up as they are complete. I've got two more that will be finished tomorrow. feels good.

Monday, July 24, 2006 | 9:18 PM | LINK |

It begins...

Finally, vacation.

I'm doing nothing. Well, I'll actually be doing something...but mostly nothing. I've purchased quite a few canvasses and some canvas is on it's way to me for other people. So I'm going to paint. And I'm going to read. And I'm going to take pictures. It's going to be glorious.

| 3:17 PM | LINK |

A Bug.

So I've got the painting bug. I've painted everything that I can possibly paint on and I still want to paint more.

If anyone out there is in need of some artwork. I wouldn't mind a donation of canvas and in return I'll paint you something pretty...really pretty...really, really pretty...or MANLY whichever you prefer.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 | 8:11 AM | LINK |

Ye olde computer is back at home with only a few minor losses of files. Photos and music are safe.

In other news, I'll be running the Seneca 5K this Saturday morning. Anyone care to join me?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 | 7:27 AM | LINK |

Allow me to explain...

So I've been MIA for a while. A lot has been going on...

The first: lightening ran in on my home computer and destroyed it. Yay nature.

The second: I've begun training for a half marathon in December. Yay sweat.

The third: Work. Work. Work. Yay Summer Blockbuster.

The fourth: I was almost completely blinded by a cat toenail, or should I say shard of excruciating horror. Yay...

The fourth I shall elaborate more clearly. You see I was preparing for the third and upon completion as I was getting into bed, my beloved Maximus placed his paw on my face. I realized that his claws were uncomfortably sharp and decided to clip away. As I began to trim the very last nail, something popped into my eye. My initial reaction was to reach up and rub my eye. WRONG reaction. After a few moments I realized that rubbing the eye would not remove the foreign object and I proceded to my bathroom (still calm) to try and flush out the eye with water. Five minutes and a slightly heightened sense of panic later, I realized that the "object" was not moving. My overactive imagination began to roll out scenarios of doom. Some potential outcomes were as follows: a)The toenail would work its way into my eye allowing the liquid of sight to begin to leak out leading to blindness. b)The toenail would work it's way into my eye and create a pressure buildup leading to explosion and obvious blindness. c)The toenail would create an infection that would leak to other parts of my body causing me to morph into a catlike hybrid. None of the above options were acceptable so I did what any other grown woman would do...I ran to my Daddy. After 15 minutes of attempted help, my da threatened to throw me over his shoulder and cart me to the emergency room. Upon hearing this, I believe that I entered into a full on conniption fit. The thought of someone having to touch my eyeball was too much to bear. So I locked myself in the bathroom and began to cry. I was going to go blind.

Actually, crying was the best thing I could have done because it dislodged the nail and it moved! Unfortunately, it moved it under the eyelid and with every blink I could feel it. Panic and tears once again at the thought of a scratched cornea...AND THEN one last look in the mirror. There it was, perched on my eyelashes. I would live to see another day. And I would live to type the story for you all.

So if any of you have any great ideas for stylish protective eyegear...please pass them on.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 | 9:22 PM | LINK |