P.S. I'm crying.

Last night Adam and I tried to watch P.S. I Love You. It had taken quite an amount of convincing to get Adam to agree to watch. He knows I'm not the girly chick flick type of woman. But honestly I was curious. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I dared the movie to make me cry. I'm not a crier.

At approximately 21 minutes into the movie, I had to turn it off. Yeah, I was crying. Adam was laughing. Wow, not a good movie for a newlywed. I was overcome with the thought of loosing my husband, my companion, my mate. Wow. For that moment it was too real. And I decided to not subject myself to viewing.

So that was that.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 | 10:41 AM | LINK |