Dear Tom from the Boston Area,

If it hadn't been for you, I don't think that I would have finished the half marathon. I was seriously considering just sitting on the side of the road and quitting, when you came out of nowhere. Even though I will probably never see you again, I wanted to say "Thank you!" Without you, I wouldn't have made it those last 2 miles.


So yes, the half-marathon came and went. I don't think I'll be doing that again anytime soon (but this may just be the pain talking and I'll change my mind before the month is up). Mile 1-4 was good, I stayed my pace and was looking hopeful. Mile 5-6 started to get harder, but I was holding together and then the turnaround came and my hip did a little pop-de-bop. I had to stop for a second and walk it out, and then started running again. I made it until mile 9 and my pace had already slowed considerably (probably my limp didn't help much). And I just decided to walk the rest out. There were a few times that I almost just sat down to let the medical cart just take me back, but I kept going. And then when I felt that I couldn't make it anymore, a man came up behind me and started talking (that would be Tom from the Boston Area). Before I knew it we were coming up on the finish line and it was over.

Unfortunately I didn't get a medal. They ran out. Which majorly sucked. I mean majorly. But apparently a bunch of people who signed up for the full marathon only ran the half and when they crossed the finish line got the half-marathon medal. Leaving me with nothing. They're supposed to be mailing it to me, but I have to say that it won't be the same. There's just something about crossing the finish line and having a medal put around you neck. That I'm sure I won't get from opening it in an envelope three weeks later.

Well I guess I can check "run a marathon" off of my 30 things to do before I'm 30 list.

Monday, December 11, 2006 | 7:38 AM | LINK |