Dear Santa,

Little Lanna and the Christmas Tree.
Originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.
I've been thinking. It's that time of year again. You know when everyone asks you for a plethora of things. You know: shiny things, jingly things, things that bling, musical things, a ride on the Polar Express, etc. And I've had all year to think. So, here goes:

If you want to, I mean if you're not really busy and if you have time to swing by my place and if your elves had time to make these things, you can bring me:

1. I lost my Teddy Ruxpin in '86, so a new one would be neato.
2. The new My Little Ponies look like anorexia on 4 legs, so "Glory" from '83 would be rad.
3. I know I keep asking, but maybe a pony like these.
4. Stuff to make my own dark room.
5. Books (of the old kind).
6. One of those big carpet tree things for Max.
7. Josh Groban tickets for Mom.
8. A fishing boat for Daddy.

I guess that's it. I hope you have a good rest after Christmas. Where do you go on vacation? I'd like to know. Not so I can find you or anything, but because I'm interested if you like to stay in the cold weather or go out when its hot. Anyway, Merry Christmas.


P.S. Tell Donner I'll leave him an extra carrot

Friday, December 15, 2006 | 12:25 AM | LINK |