The City Where I Live.

Othello's Approach.

I've become enchanted with the hummingbirds that have taken up house near our porch. My dad has been so cute in making sure the birds have clean, fresh food everyday. This weekend, I set up the tripod and tried to capture the drama. You see we used to have four regulars: Balthazar, Oz, Shakespeare, and Rose. They all took turns, they were all nice...until Othello moved into town. He's bigger, he's badder and he watches and waits to chase all the other birds away from the feeder. Every now and then I'll catch a glimpse of one of the original four stealing a sip. All in all, it makes me happy. And it makes me want to try harder for more pictures. I hope you all are prepared. You can see the entire set here.


Wednesday, August 30, 2006 | 9:31 PM | LINK |