Hi, I'm a field mouse.

Hi, I'm a field mouse.
Originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.
Everyone, this is Herman Stuart III of the Stuart Little Stuarts. I found him in a bag of candy in my cube this morning. He was full on a half of a Hershey's kiss. Impressive because he's about the size of a Hershey kiss (see picture. He was sweet, quiet and all together cute. I asked him if since he was already surrounded by Valentine candies if he would like to be my Valentine. He responded with a sweet nose twitch and I could do nothing but promise to release him back into the wild. So yes, I mean we did build our church on a field. It was only a short amount of time before the animals tried to take it back. I'm just happy that he chose my bag of candy.

Photos of Herman's release can be seen on flickr.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 | 10:28 PM | LINK |