Magical Ninja Headgear and Get in My Belly.

Last night I had the pleasure of viewing Ninja Destroyer.
Oh the joy of Magically appearing ninja headgear, Ninja cartwheels and impressive ninja tree climbing skills. I learned that an emerald mine is no reason to fight and that everyone should just get along and also that if trying to revive someone using CPR that I should move their arms up and down in a flapping apparently works. I would say that you should rent it, but you can't. You'll have to find it in a gas station between here and Atlanta. Only then, can you truly know the wonder that is, Ninja Destroyer.

On the way to work this morning I noticed that the fair is moving into town. I also noticed a new ride that they were beginning to assemble. Children get to ride in the belly of a giant demented dragon. Oh buckets of fun! When I was 6 I wanted to be devoured by a dragon and ride in its belly as it spun the contents of my stomach on the onlookers below.

Monday, October 10, 2005 | 12:27 PM | LINK |