Angels, Clean Feet and Mr. Martin.

Imagine that it's 9:45pm and you're tired. You've worked all day and after work, busied yourself with helping your family move. You haven't eaten since 10am and just as you're on your way to your new "home" the gas light in your car signals that you're below empty. So you find your nearest gas station and as you get out of the car to begin pumping gas, your car door slowly shuts with a gentle "click."

Ah yes, I locked my keys in my car two nights ago at the gas station. My first thought was, "I'll call my dad." But my cell phone was in my car. My next thought was, "I'll ask the gas station attendant to use their phone." But my parents had not unpacked the phones and plugged them up. And even if they had, my dad was at the drug store getting my mom's prescriptions filled and he has the spare key. Looking around, bewildered, I hear a voice from the other side of the gas pump. "Oh, no honey are you okay?" To my surprise, an older couple had watched the entire thing and they graciously allowed me to use their cell phone. But who to call? At the moment the only number I could remember was Carol and Jon's cell phone. Carol without hesitation said that she was on her way. While waiting I saw my dad drive by the gas station. I tried to flag him down, but it didn't work. As I returned to my car, the old couple (you know, the ones who let me borrow their cell phone) had returned to the gas station. The lady said, "We just felt so bad for you, and we didn't want to leave you all by yourself." The gentleman had gone into the gas station and returned with a metal hanging thingie (not technical, I know, but it's all I know how to describe it). And magically, he unlocked my car. I was almost in tears. Mostly from exhaustion and completely thankful for these two wonderful people who God saw fit to bring into my life, if even just for a moment. And as the drove away wonderful Carol pulled into to the gas station for the rescue...luckily we had a good laugh.

And although I only got a few hours of sleep, it was wonderful. I'm one of those who love to have clean feet before I go to bed...there's just something completely refreshing about clean feet and nice cool, crisp sheets. Plus, it doesn't dirty up the sheets quite as bad.

Moving on. Last night I saw Coldplay. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. For me, I know it's a great show when I get butterflies before the band makes their appearance and I get all teary-eyed during the encore. We had amazing seats just to the left of the stage. Let's just say that I could see eyebrows clearly. Thanks for being awesome, COLDPLAY. And for giving me the best concert experience I've had in a long, long while. And for being awesome. And for having so much fun that you force everyone in the audience to have just as much fun. And for being awesome. And for being just the right kind of slightly weird that I like so much. And for being awesome.

Thursday, September 29, 2005 | 7:30 AM | LINK |