Freakin' Pedestrians

Don't get me wrong I know pedestrians have the right of way. I, myself, may even sometimes be a pedestrian. But there are some occaisions when I would just like to hit one. Now there are some out there who, when crossing the road and see a car coming, hurry along so to allow the car to pass as quickly as possible (I am this kind of pedestrian and I like this kind of pedestrian. There is equal respect for pedestrian and go fast and I won't hit you). Then there is the pedestrian who sees a car coming and takes their own merry time all the while staring at the driver like they're daring them to hit them. It is people like that and days like today when I want to say, "Don't test me jerk, I WILL HIT you. I'm a woman, don't tick me off. And for the record hitting the 'PUSH BUTTON FOR WALK' doesn't really make the walk light come on faster, it's just there to make you feel better."

Wow, I'm glad I got that off my chest.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005 | 8:42 PM | LINK |