
As I was eating breakfast this morning I was overcome with thankfulness. I'm thankful for my family. My parents' anniversary was yesterday. They've been married for 35 years. I'm thankful to my father for showing me Christ's love in the way he loves and cares for my mother. He never complains or says harsh words to her, he just loves. I'm lucky to have a picture in flesh of what Jesus' love looks like. He's taught me that I don't have to be a woman of many words or loudness, but that quiet confidence in knowing myself and knowing my relationship with Christ and loving is where the true beauty of a woman is found. Thanks Da.

I'm thankful for my friends. I'm thankful for the family and accountability that we have created with each other. That after years of friendship and sometimes drama that we are closer than ever. We aren't afraid to ask tough questions because it means that we are spurring each other on to be better. These are also the people that constantly bring a smile to my face and who I can laugh with and joke with to the point of immaturity. Friends represent who we are and I'm lucky enough to have found people that I respect, admire and love and who feel the same about me. I would fight for them any day.

I'm thankful for the life changes that have happened this year. A new job and job changes may not have necessarily been the changes I would have made, but they have made me the woman that I am today. A woman who is constantly growing and learning that by obedience we have the ability to show others that God exists. That a broken heart is an avenue for growth and praise. I am thankful for God pushing me to lay my Isaac on the altar and giving me new gifts and helping me to uncover more of His will for my life. "For God is greater than our hearts and he knows everything" - 1 John 3:20 I am thankful that I don't know everything and that I don't have to. My greatest need is to be in God's Will for this moment and I'm lucky enough to have the peace of knowing that I'm right where He wants me to be.

Psalm 136.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 | 8:13 AM | LINK |