I've been very inconsistent with my blogging lately. Some have expressed their concerns and have promptly told me to "get on it." So, here goes.
This is what you have missed.

I watched White Noise: boo.
I went to a wedding: meh.
I'm getting better with my Graflex 22: yay.
I got tickets to Coldplay: Holy Freakin' Crap Yeah!

There you go. What you've missed. Exciting huh? I bet you wished I had commentary on every bit of my day. I mean I do lead an extraordinary life. And I'm inexplicably giddy right now. It's the rain. I love it. You can smell the storm coming in. And if you could only hear the squeak in my voice right now...it's full of excitement (and by "squeak" I really do mean squeak. I've got a bit of chest congestion that has manifested itself in my throat and given me the voice of a 13 year-old boy).

Monday, June 06, 2005 | 11:32 PM | LINK |