Hey Kids!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm in the process of scanning some photos that I've recently taken. I'm done with the cheesy digital photos that just about anyone can take. It's time to get back into the real stuff. I thought I'd play around with digital for a while just to see. And I've decided that it's made me more stupid and lazy as a photographer. It's also made me respect those whose photography I so love (Werner Bischof for example). It scares me that just about anyone can pick up a digital camera and photoshop the crap out of a picture to make it look better. Where's the skill in that? But you all can rest assured that what you see on the blog is what you get with my photography. I have not cropped, played with lighting, or color saturation. What you see is the exact photo as taken. I have to have some integrity as a photographer.

Soon to come on the photoblog are pictures of 7 month old Gardner Wilson and an extremely lovely Candice Whitley (previewed below). Hold on to your seats folks!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 | 7:47 PM | LINK |