I've noticed that I have become a creature of habit. I love the constants in my life. I love knowing that on certain days I have certain things planned without having to continually check to make sure. Take for instance Wednesdays. I know that every Wednesday Ken, Meg, Gardner, Karl, Shua, and myself are going to have dinner and watch LOST. It's a given. None of us have to ask anymore we just do it. And it's situations and times like that, that it feels like family.

I love knowing that when I call Karl, even if she doesn't answer immediately, that she will beep in as I'm leaving a message on her voice mail. Not because she feels obligated to, but because she wants to talk to me. It's times like that when you feel loved and important to someone.

I love knowing that I can email Shua saying simply "lunch?" and he'll comeback with a "sure." I love that he's the type of friend that you don't have to talk to everyday for you to know that you're important to each other. He's one of those that you can pick up right where you left off...even if it was 2 months ago. It's because he's a constant in my life, just like Karla, and Wednesdays.

Now that you are all thoroughly ready to gag, I'll end my mush rant.

Thursday, February 17, 2005 | 8:36 AM | LINK |