the tale of the fish

I am coming from you live and in person from my very own office (or "space" whatever you would like to call it). I've got one more work day at the school and then I'm officially official at New Spring.

The tale of the fish you ask?

Well, it seems that I was blessed with 3 goldfish at a White Elephant Party. They need a home I thought, but I can't leave them in my car because they'll freeze. So I took them home and left them, in what I thought, was a safe place. On to Wal-Mart I went and purchased an aquarium. Upon returning home I realized that my cat had decided to eat a snack. Water and an empty bag was all that was left on the floor. I heard my cat rustling in my room and when I looked in, I noticed that my fish were still alive!! The fish had been double-bagged and somehow, even with no water, and being shaken, they were still alive. I hurried into the kitchen and put them in a bowl and then into the aquarium. I didn't expect for them to make it through the night, but in the morning they were still alive. And today they were still alive and if they make it through the weekend...they're coming to live at the office.

Thursday, December 16, 2004 | 4:11 PM | LINK |