Red Velvet and Nosebleeds.

I haven't had a nosebleed since I was in the 2nd grade. I remember it perfectly. I had just come in from recess and we were going through our spelling words for the week. We had played kick ball during recess (speaking of which...any one up for a game of kick-ball?). Anyway, I was sitting in my desk writing my words for the week and drops of blood started dripping from my nose. It was traumatic. I got to leave an entire hour early from school.
On to last night, I had just eaten a piece of homemade red velvet cake. I started watching Extreme Home Makeover with my mother when my nose started running. Reaching my hand up to my nose, I discovered that my nose was pouring blood. Needless to say, the drama queen in me determined that I was close to death and I proceeded to hyperventilate until my Da reassured me that I was not in any immediate danger and would, in fact, be alright.

In other news, I'm going hiking Wednesday morning. After just finishing Aron Ralston's Between a Rock and a Hard Place, I hope that we don't come in contact with any boulders that decide to pin our arms to a cavern wall causing us to saw them off with a pocketknife.

Here ends my paranoia entry for the month.

Monday, December 27, 2004 | 7:39 PM | LINK |