
So, this morning was beautiful. Dense fog. It makes everything look out of place and eerily romantic.

It didn't hurt that I was brought to this passage this morning either, "For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." (1 John 3:20b) Yes. What I feel is nothing in comparison to what He feels. And if I bring something earnestly to Him in prayer, how much more He feels about the subject than me. I'm at a peace right now that I can't explain. A peace in knowing that God has me in His hands. And every now and again He gives me little glimpses into what He's doing and where He wants me to go. It's very comforting. Wherein we as Christ Followers should gain our confidence in knowing that we aren't in this alone and something a lot greater than ourselves has our back.

I'm happy today, can you tell?

The view from the best day of my life (see Oct. 24th). Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Monday, November 01, 2004 | 3:32 PM | LINK |