Intimacy of a whisper.

So I'm supposed to be house/cat sitting for Simon this week. He left yesterday for a writer's conference in New Orleans. Well, I go to the house today and I can't find his cat. I mean I look and look, but the cat is no where in sight. There's cat food, water and a litter box...but no cat. I looked everywhere. I looked in the closet, under the bed, under the couch, in the cabinets, in the shower, in the pantry, and I still couldn't find the cat. I don't like this. I hope he hasn't crawled into a vent or gotten stuck behind the refrigerator. I really don't like this. I'm supposed to be able to find the animal I'm taking care of.

Have you ever realized how intimate whispering is? I mean whispering are the words meant from your mouth to another's ears that no one else can hear. That's intimatcy. I never realized how intimate they were until my privacy was encroached upon by an unwelcome visitor. Men, never whisper in a woman's ear that you don't know. Especially if you're trying to hit on her. Yes, I know how to attract them...but you'll be proud that I responded with a quick shove and a "PLEASE STAND BACK SIR!" I gave him more than was due by calling him "sir." I'll save my whispers for my friends thank you.

Thursday, September 23, 2004 | 5:00 PM | LINK |