Thoughts from Pink Delicious

I've just gotten through Hump Day. Why is it that Wednesdays are the longest days? Is it a earth rotational thing? My life seems to have gotten relatively boring since I got my new job. My brain is too overwhelmed with things of a Pre-school level that I'm afraid that it might shrivel up and die. Perhaps I need to join a Trivial Pursuit club. Perhaps I need to advertise for serious convo time to save me from the, "This is a boat...say boat...boat. This is a boat. Good Job!" Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job. I'm just saying that I'm going to have to budget in some time for the increasing of my everyday knowledge so that I can best function in society outside of crayons and legos (see, here come the run-ons...I'm not changing it). I should start reading the dictionary again...I used to do that when I was younger (like 12). I can remember when I would get mad in class when the teacher would have us read out loud and someone would mispronounce a word. I would never say anything, it's not who I am. But I would stew about it (I was a weird kid, I'm still a weird kid). I guess I had a reconnection with my youth this past weekend when I won a friendly game of Blurt...I NEVER win at this game. I'm lucky if I can make it to the 5th square past home...but Sunday night, Pink Delicious dominated. I continue to digress. I'll leave you with a picture from the Birthday Camping Trip. This is Nick trying his best to eat silly string. Til next time!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 | 10:34 PM | LINK |