Life lessons from a 23rd birthday.

Never feed a goose a pop tart, because if you do they will hiss, peck and chase you.

Never leave a birthday cake out while camping, because raccoons will eat it.

Never underestimate the joy of smores, pop tarts, and silly string.

"Happy Drinks" aren't really "happy" if you drink more than one.

Teeny-bopper presents help to keep the heart young (thanks to Carol and Jon for my Justin Timberlake dvd and Trivial Pursuit: Lord of the Rings edition).

Friends are great.

The "bad color" will for the right now, will be referred to as "the bad color" and not it's actual name.

It's fun to bend reality every now and again.

The end.

Sunday, August 08, 2004 | 11:52 PM | LINK |