Little Lanna and the Christmas Tree.

Today we consumed lots of food. Today we gave thanks for what we have. Me, I'm thankful that in the past year God blessed me by allowing me to marry my best friend, Adam. I'm thankful for the absolute wonderful family that we share. We've got it so good.

Tomorrow we decorate for Christmas.

Christmas has been my favorite for a long time as you can tell from this picture. Always excited. Always immersed in thought of the awesomeness of the season.

In lieu of a Christmas tree this year, we purchased a six foot inflatable penguin that will grace our living room. It seemed like a wise decision considering that we have no ornaments for our tree. So this year, we will have our penguin (who still needs a name). Then we shall stock up on ornaments after Christmas (Hobby Lobby and 80% off!)! I do love the holidays...makes me feel like I'm two all over again.

Thursday, November 27, 2008 | 10:34 PM | LINK |

The McDizzles

, originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.

I love that I get to take pictures for people I love.

Here are Jon and Ragan McDerment. They are a few of my most favorite people. You can see the entire set here.

Monday, November 17, 2008 | 3:44 PM | LINK |

The Bahamas

DSC07418, originally uploaded by Lanna Grace.

So, we went on vacation last week. It was ridiculously relaxing. Cruises are now recommended by the Johnson family.

We had fun in Savannah, GA on the way back even meeting Bobby Deen, Paula Deen's son at their store. It was super. Vacations are super.

You should go on one soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 | 4:50 PM | LINK |